Originally published as three CDs and a DVD this website provides over 10,000 pages of information on the subject taken from old journals and books. Each page is presented as a "photocopy" of the original page. In the few places where the information is maintained more up to date elsewhere there are links, such as the UK and Ireland Meteroite page, and those to W. F. Denning. But essentially you have the content of the CDs, minus the "magnify" option on each page.
If you find this web site useful please consider making a donation for the running costs, thank you. (just $5 or £2.50) pays for a month.

This project has been possible with the help and assistance from the following organizations and individuals. The British Astronomical Association, its library and Neil Bone meteor section director...Martin Beech... Dr. David W. Dewhirst...Martin Horejsi...Eric Hutton...The Internet Library of Early Journals...Bernd Pauli ...Rochester Academy of Science--astronomy section (especially Paul Dudley)... The Royal Astronomical Society library, London...Dr. Derek W. Sears...Prof. Peter Wlasuk... The Society of Genealogists Library, London...The American Meteor Society Ltd.
Thanks also go to Alastair McBeath for advice on indexing the content of the CD. Piper Hollier and Michel Franco for indexing some of the French articles. To the various language translation programs and web sites.

The majority of material included here is out of copyright, and remains so.
Exceptions are the articles from Martin Beech, David W. Dewhirst, and Derek W. Sears and the Rochester Academy of Science all of which are reproduced with permission, so the copyright remains with them.