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BAA Memoirs: reports of the Meteor Section 1891-1904

Choose a volume listed below, then pick a page number to start at.
(1891) Vol. I. Part II.
(1893) Vol. III. Part I.
(1894) Vol. IV. Part I.
(1895) Vol. V. Part I.
(1896) Vol. VI. Part II.
(1897) Vol. VII. Part I.
(1898) Vol. VIII. Part I.
(1899) Vol. IX. Part I.
(1900) Vol. X. Part I.
(1901) Vol. XI. Part I.
(1902) Vol. XII. Part I.
(1903) Vol. XIII. Part I.
(1904) Vol. XIV. Part I.

(1891) Vol. I. Part II.

Report of the Section
17   18   19

Report of Meteor Observation from October 1890 to September 1891 inclusive
20   21   22

Bright Meteors observed by Members of the B.A.A. in 1890-1891
23   24   25

Heights and Real Paths of Three Meteors seen by Members of the B.A.A. in 1890 and 1891
26   27

List of Radiant Points of Shooting Stars Observed by the Members of the Meteoric Section of the B.A.A from October 1890 to September 1891, and Comparisons with other Observations.
28   29   30

Radiants Observed by W.H. Milligan

(1893) Vol. III. Part I.

Title page followed by prices of reports published sofar

Report of the Section, Introduction (list of members past 15 months)

Meteor Showers, 1892-93
02   03   04   05   06   07   08   09   10   11   12   13   14   15   16

List of Meteor Radiants observed in 1892-3.
17   18   19   20   21   22

Bright Meteors observed by Members of the B.A.A.
23   24   25   26

Heights and Radiants of Meteors, 1892-93
27   28

(1894) Vol. IV. Part I.

Title page followed by prices of reports published sofar

Report of the Section, Meteor Showers. 1894
01   02   03   04   05   06   07

List of Meteor Radiants observed in 1894
08   09   10  

Bright Meteors observed by Members of the B.A.A.
11   12   13

Observations of Brilliant Fireballs, and doubly observed Meteors.
14   15   16   17   18

Concluding remarks
19   20

(1895) Vol. V. Part I.

Title page followed by prices of reports published sofar

Report of the Section, Introductory.

Meteor Showers in 1895
02   03   04   05   06   07

List of Radiant Points of Meteors, 1895.
08   09   10   11   12

Fireballs and Bright Meteors observed in 1895.
13   14   15

Notes on Large Fireballs

Particulars og Doubly Observed Meteors, 1895.

Southern Meteor Radiants, New South Wales Observations. 18  

(1896) Vol. VI. Part II.

Title page followed by prices of reports published sofar

Report of the Section, Introductory.

Meteors Showers in 1896.
38   39   40   41   42   43

Radiants of meteor Showers, 1896.
44   45   46

Double observed Meteors, etc, 1896.
47   48   49   50   51   52

Bright Meteors reported by Members of the B.A.A.
53   54

Important Notice

(1897) Vol. VII. Part I.

Title page followed by prices of reports published sofar

Report of the Section, Introductory.

Meteors Showers in 1897.
02   03   04   05   06   07

Radiants of Meteor Showers, 1897.
08   09

Bright Meteors observed during 1897.

Doubly Observed Meteors, etc, 1897.
11   12   13   14   15   16

(1898) Vol. VIII. Part I.

Title page followed by prices of reports published sofar

Report of the Section, Introductory.

Monthly Record of Meteor Showers.
02   03   04   05   06   07   08   09

Radiants of Meteor Showers, 1898.

Doubly observed meteors, 1898.
11   12   13   14

Real Paths of Fireballs and Shooting Stars observed at Two or more Stations in 1898.
15   16

Bright Meteors observed during 1898.
17   18   19

Report on the Auroral Displays of 1898.
20   21

(1899) Vol. IX. Part I.

Title page followed by prices of reports published sofar

Report of the Section, Introductory.

Record of Meteoric Observations
02   03   04   05   06   07   08   09   10   11   12   13

Fireballs of 1899.
14   15

Radiant Points of Meteoric Showers, 1899.
16   17

Real Paths of Fireballs and Shooting Stars observed at Two or more Stations in 1899.
18   19

Bright Meteors observed during 1899.
20   21   22   23   24   25   26

Advert The Indian Eclipse 1898, followed by Press Release

(1900) Vol. X. Part I.

Title page followed by prices of reports published sofar

Report of the Section, Introductory.

Report of Meteoric Observations, 1900.
02   03   04   05   06   07   08   09   10   11   12   13   14

Radiant points of Meteor Showers, 1900.
15   16   17

Fireballs of 1900.
18   19

Real Paths of Fireballs and Shooting Stars observed at Two or more Stations in 1900.
20   21   22   23   24   25   26

Bright Meteors observed during 1900.
27   28   29   30   31   32   33

The Indian Eclipse Volume Press Release followed by Advert for the Total Eclipse of May 1900 publication.

(1901) Vol. XI. Part I.

Title page followed by prices of reports published sofar

Report of the Section, Introductory.

Record of Meteoric Observations, 1901.
02   03   04   05   06   07   08   09   10   11   12

Radiant Points of Meteric Showers, 1901.
13   14   15  

Fireballs of 1901.
16   17

Real Paths of Fireballs and Shooting Stars observed at Two or more Stations in 1901.
18   19   20   21   22   23

Notes on the real path determinations by Prof. A. S. Herschel.
24   25

Bright Meteors observed during 1901.
26   27   28   29   30   31   32

Corrigenda to Report for 1900.

(1902) Vol. XII. Part I.

Title page

Report of the Section, Introductory.

Record of Meteoric Observations, 1901.
02   03   04   05   06   07   08   09   10

Radiant-points of Meteoric Showers, 1902.

Fireballs of 1902
12   13   14

Real Paths of Fireballs and Shooting Stars observed at Two or more Stations in 1902.
15   16   17   18

Notes on the real path determinations of November, 1901, and May--July, 1902. by Prof. A. S. Herschel.
19   20   21   22   23

Bright Meteors observed during 1902.
24   25   26   27   28

The Crumlin Meteorite
29   30   31

(1903) Vol. XIII. Part I.

Title page followed by advert for special publications

Report of the Section, Introductory.

Record of Meteoric Observations, 1903.
02   03   04   05   06   07   08   09   10   11

Radiant-points of Meteoric Showers, 1903.
12   13

The Fireballs of 1903.

Real Paths of Fireballs and Shooting Stars observed at Two or more Stations in 1902.
15   16   17   18   19

Bright Meteors observed during 1903.
20   21   22   23

A list of council and directors of the B.A.A. followed by prices of previous Memoirs

(1904) Vol. XIV. Part I.

Title page followed by A list of council and directors of the B.A.A.

Report of the Section, Introductory.

Record of Meteoric Observations, 1904.
02   03   04   05   06   07   08   09   10

Radiant-points of Meteoric Showers, 1904.

The Fireballs of 1904.
12   13   14

Real Paths of Fireballs and Shooting Stars observed at Two or more Stations in 1902.
15   16

Bright Meteors observed during 1904.
17   18   19

prices of previous Memoirs