[This Guide-book can be obtained only at the Museum; written applications should be addressed to "The Director, Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London, S.W."]
PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. 1908. [price sixpence]
Arrangement of the Collection page 7
History of the Collection page 8
An introduction to the study of Meteorites page 17
List of the Meteorites represented in the Collection on May 1, 1908
I. Siderites or Meteoric Irons (No. 1 to 217) starting at page 66
(No. 1)
(No. 10)
(No. 18)
(No. 29)
(No. 38)
(No. 44)
(No. 51)
(No. 58)
(No. 67)
(No. 72)
(No. 80)
(No. 89)
(No. 99)
(No. 109)
(No. 120)
(No. 130)
(No. 141)
(No. 151)
(No. 159)
(No. 168)
(No. 174)
(No. 184)
(No. 193)
(No. 203)
(No. 213)
II. Siderolites (No. 218 to 240) starting at page 91
(No. 218)
(No. 223)
(No. 227)
(No. 237)
III. Aerolites or Meteoric Stones (No. 241 to 580) starting at page 95
(No. 241)
(No. 271)
(No. 302)
(No. 336)
(No. 371)
(No. 402)
(No. 435)
(No. 469)
(No. 503)
(No. 539)
(No. 558)
(No. 567)
List or Recent Additions page 107
List of British Meteorites page 107
Appendix to the List of the Meteorites:--
A. Native Iron (of terrestrial origin) page 108
B. Pseudo-meteorites page 109
List of the Casts of Meteorites page 110
Index to the Collection page 111
Outside back cover (dates and hours of admission)