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Various reports from The Gentleman's Magazine.

Gentleman's Magazine: started in 1731, a Britain-focused miscellany of information about people, places and events, including news summaries, parliamentary reports, biographies and obituary notices, poems, essays, and a register of current publications.

For the first fifty-six volumes a combined index was examined. After that the indexes at the end of each volume were inspected. Volumes up to 96 have been checked, but pages scaned only up to Volume 66, with some ommisions.

Volume 8.
page 492. Account of a (daytime) Meteor 29th August? 1738, Dorset, UK.

Volume 9.
page 14. Meteors, beautiful. ....this is a report from Lapland, and describes aurora

Volume 19.
page 557. Meteors, observations on. ....on this page is Meteorological Remarks, a letter concerning the Weather in S. Carolina.

Volume 20.
page 129. Account of a Meteor on Dec 31, 1741, at Canterbury.
page 136. Meteor, at Salisbury. ...this is a report of aurora
page 344. Fiery meteor seen over nothern england, Sunday 22nd July 1750.

Volume 21.
page 78-9. Meteors, heights calculated.
page 125. Meteors, at Crediton. ....this is an report of aurora

Volume 22.
page 129. Meteors, in Maryland, remarkable. ....this is a report of multiple sun halos
page 252. Fire-ball, at Hornsey. ...a report of St. Elmo's fire around a church cross
page 455. Fire-ball, at Hornsey, seen 25th Feb. 1754.
page 582. Meteors. at Bristol and Gloucester. ...the first report at Bristol appears to describe a terrible storm. The second relates to a meteor seen at Glasgow (sic) 4pm, 25th Dec. But with some strange effects!

Volume 27.
page 334. Fire-ball. Extract follows... A ball of fire from the clouds, fell amoung the horses in camp near Sailsbury, and bounded along the ground...
page 383. ...a report of ball lighting

Volume 25.
page 461-2. Meteor, fiery, in Holand. Plus Meteor seen at Chiswick.

Volume 28.
page 608. Meteors, frequelently seen. not seen yet

Volume 31.
page 532. Meteor, at Whitby.

Volume 32.
page 587. Meteor in New England. not seen yet

Volume 33.
page 9. Meteor, at Oxford. ....some strange vertical cloud? formation; assumed not meteor because of the length (hours) of the event.
page 43. Meteor, at Reading.
page 409. Fire-ball, its effects. ....relates to ball-lighting at a church in Hereford

Volume 34.
page 542. Fire-ball, seen near Philadelphia. not seen yet
page 631. Meteor, seen at Chelsea. not seen yet

Volume 35.
page 293. Fire-ball, at Rome. not seen yet
page 489. Meteor, ball of fire at Chichester. not seen yet

Volume 36.
page 18. Meteor, at Oxford. not seen yet

Volume 43.
page 407. Meteor seen in Yorkshire, Sunday 8th August? 1773.
page 458. Meteor seen in France, July 29th, 1773.

Volume 46.
page 334. Fire-ball, at Oxford. ....relates to ball-lighting

Volume 53.
page 711-3. Reports of a meteor, 18th August 1783; from London, Bath, Canterburg, Yorkshire, Salisbury. Plus an account of one in 1738, 29th August.
page 991-2. A plan for observing Meteors called Fire-balls, by Nevil Maskelyne, D.D. F.R.S. and Astronomer Royal.

Volume 66.
page 726-8. Stones fallen from the Air a Natural Phaenomenon, by W. Bingley.
page 844-5. Review of New Publications: Remarks concerning Stones said to have fallen from the Clouds, both in these Days and in Ancient Times. By Edward King, Esq, F.R.S and F.A.S
page 1007 Thunder Stones, Stones falling from the sky. Letter headed B.M. Nov. 10.

Volume 67.
page 180. Stones, from the clouds. not seen yet
page 549. 'Communication' E. Topham. not seen yet

Volumes 69 to 95 indexed, but contents not examined or scaned yet.

Volume 69.
page 898. Meteor, large and brilliant, Sept 15.
page 986. Meteor, seen at Pocklington, Yorkshire; Hull; Hereford; Crowle, Lincolnshire.
page 1115. Meteor, at Hereford and other places.

Volume 70.
page 382. Fire, ball of, fall of, near Steeple Bumstead church Essex.

Volume 71.
page 76. Meteor, at Cranborne.

Volume 73.
page 529. Stones, fallen on the earth.
page 839. Stones fallen from the clouds, observations on.
page 1077. Meteor, appearance of a beautiful.
page 1121. Meteor, appearance of the late described. List of several most noted. Queries respecting.

Volume 74.
page 200. Meteors, observations on.
page 221. Stones, on the falling off.
page 875. Meteor, large observed at Tunbridge Wells.

Volume 76.
page 671. Meteor, brilliant seen in London.
page 971. Meteor, at Swansea.

Volume 77.
page 78. Meteor, sen at Middleton Chency.

Volume 81.
page 180. Meteoric stone emitted.

Volume 83.
page 390. Stones, shower of.

Volume 85.
page 583. Stones, Atmospheric, fall of?

Volume 88.
page 159. Meteor, observed at Ipswich.
pages 268, 461. Meteor, at Cambridge, etc.

Volume 90.
page 159. Meteoric Stone, account of.

Volume 95.
page 258. Meteors, lectures on noticed.

Volumes 96 onwards, awaiting checking of indexes