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From the Journal of the Iron and Steel institute
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On the microscopical structure of iron and steel by H. C. Sorby
I have reproduced the introduction, which details methods of Illumination, preparation etc pages 255 to 261
Then omitted the sections on terrestrial iron pages 262 to 282
and continued with the final section on meteoric iron pages 283 to 288 plus figure 17 an illustration of Tazewell iron

Recent researches on meteorites, pages 332-8
Gaseous constituents of meteorites.
Irons as cleavage crystals.
Mazapil, Mexico fell Nov. 27, 1885.
Green County, Tennessee.
found in 1869 in the praire between Salt Lake City and Echo, Utah.
Cape Girardeau, Missouri, fell August 14th, 1846.
Maverick County, Texas. Discovered 1882.
Glorieta Mount
Augusta County, Virginia.
Carroll County, Kentucky and Catorze, Mexico.

Recent researches on meteorites, pages 229-31
Campo de Pucara, Argentine Republic. Pallasite found 1879.
Maverick County, Texas. Discovered 1882.
Youndegin, Western Australia. Found 1884.
Awalruite--a new minerial.

Recent researches on meteorites, pages 234-9
The Taney County (Missouri) Meteorite...
The Chattooga County (Georgia) Meteorite...
Meteoric Iron from Waldron Ridge, Claiborne County, Tennessee...
Powder Mill Creek, Cumberland County...
St. Croix county, Wisconsin.
A new meteoric iron...found in a collection of minerals by Colonel J. J. Albert
Fell in Nagede, Central Arabia June 18, 1863...analysed.
Found in 1880 on the top of Alleghany Mountain...
Analysis of Northport, Maine.
An Iron of doubtful origin from Jefferson county, Tennessee.
Analysis of Iron(s) show selenium...

Recent researches on meteorites, pages 180-1
San Emigdio Mountains, California...
Professor J. Norman Lockyer has made observations on spectra of elements and meteors at low temperatures...

Recent researches on meteorites, pages 236-8
Nowo-Urei, Government of Pensa, Russia, fell Sept. 22, 1886...analysis.
The seven Brazilian meteorites in the National Museum of Rio de Janeiro...
Analysis of Djati-Pengilon, Java.
Analysis of Glorieta Mountain, New Mexico.
Analysis of Linville Mountain, Burke Co., North Carolina.
Found in 1887, Silver Crown district, Laramine Co., Wyoming.

Recent researches on meteorites, page 328
Analysis of Julias de Moreira, Minho, Portugal...
Eagle Station, Kentucky.
Meteorite found at Hamel-el-Requel, Algeria
Analysis from State of Durango, Mexico

Recent researches on meteorites, pages 203-7
Phu-Hong, in Cochin China. Fell Sept. 22, 1887.
La Bella Roca, found.
Cleveland, East Tennessee, fell 1860.
Alfinello and Concepcion
Carcote in Chili, found.
Migheni, Russia, fell June 9, 1889.
of the meteorite presented by Mr. R. T. Hill to the U. S. National Museum.

Recent researches on meteorites, pages 665-6
In a paper read before the Austrian Society of Engineers and Architects, A. Brezina described...
Analysis of Iowa May 2, 1890...
Elenborough, found 1880...

Recent researches on meteorites, pages 260-5
Analysis of Iron from Szlanicza in Arva County, Hungary
Analysis of Ochansk meteorite
Descriptions of five new American meteorites, Brenham; Winnebago; Ferguson; Bridgewater; Summit
Meteorite from Hamilton County, Texas; Puquois, Chili.
Two new American meteoric irons described, Deep Springs Farm, North Carolina; Henry Co., Virginia.
Meteoric Iron from North Dakota, found 1885.

Recent researches on meteorites, pages 148-50
Native Iron of Terrestrial origin...
Natural Nickel Iron...
Collescipoli, fell Feb. 3, 1890.
Turgaisk meteorite described

Recent researches on meteorites, pages 283-86
Garrett Country, Maryland
Colfax township, North Carolina
near Knyahinya in Hungray
Paderborn in Westphalia
Ljungby in Scania
Native iron found near the Canon Diablo in Arizona
Dona Inez from Atacama, Chili.
Fell April 10th, 1890 on the Misshof estate in Kurland, Russia.
Fall June 25th, 1890 at Farmington, Kansas.
Analysis of Jelica meteorite.

Recent researches on meteorites, pages 324-28
Pallas iron from Kansas
Toluca iron
Canon Diablo in Arizona
Tonganoxie meteorite
The Welland siderolite
Tirgovistem in Roumania, fell 1774.

Recent researches on meteorites, pages 195-200
Cohen and Weinschenk have endeavoured to solve a number of problem connected with meteoric iron...
Diamons in meteoric iron of Canon Diablo
Mt. Joy, Pennsylvania.
Kenton County, Kentuckey
Bald EagleMountain, Pennsylvania.
India Valley township, Virgina.
Sierra de la Ternera, Chili.
Invercargill, New Zealand.
fell Nov., 1881 in the Grossliebenthal, near Odessa
Kesen, in Japan.
Winnebago County
Hassi Jekna, Algeria
Jiminez, Mexico, fell end of 1892.

Recent researches on meteorites, pages 318-9
Meteorite from Augustinovka, Russia
examination of iron from Ovifak
Two turkish meteorite stones found at Tirnowa and Urba.

Recent researches on meteorites, pages 423-5
Diamonds in meteorites...
Hamblem County, Texas.
Moonbi Range, Australia.
Two turkish meteorite stones found at Tirnowa and Urba.

Recent researches on meteorites, pages 292-4
Kenton Country, Kentucky.
Kesen, Japan.
Zabrodje, fell Sept. 22, 1893.
Santa Rosa, Mexico.
Beaver Creek, British Columbia, fell May 26, 1893.
Makariwa, near Invereargill, New Zealand.
Spectra of meteorites...
Crusts of meteorites...

1895 Recent researches on meteorites, pages 289-90
Work published by Cohen.
Plymouth, Indiana, found 1893.
Canon Diablo.
Zmene, Russia, fell 1858.

Recent researches on meteorites, pages 375-77
Types of carbon in iron meteorites...
Argon in Augusta County, Virginia.
Meteorites from Mexico...
Werchne Udinsk in Siberia.
Silicates in meteoric iron from Netschaevo, in Russia.
Plymouth, Indiana.
Two new meteorites, Canton, Georgia; El Capitan, New Mexico.

Recent researches on meteorites, pages 310-11
Farrington's handbook and catalogue.
Goldhaven, Greenland.
Moonbi, New South Wales
Cherokee, Georgia
El Capitan, New Mexico.

Recent researches on meteorites, pages 275-80
Elements in iron meteorites...
Smithville, Tennessee
Lesves, in Belgium, fell 13th April 1896.
Costilla meteorite, found 1881.

Recent researches on meteorites, pages 344-48
Gaseous constituents of certain specimens of meteoric iron...
Account of the worship of meteorites by Prof. H. A. Newton...
Sacramento Mountains, New Mexico
Analysis of rhabdite needles...
Hamblem County, Tennessee.
Analysis of Kherson, Russia.
meteorite fall at Madrid on Feb 10, 1896...
Arlington, Minnesota.
four New South Wales meteorites.

Recent researches on meteorites, pages 278-81
Madrid on Feb 10, 1896.
a new meteoric minerial, Kosmochlor.
Locust Grove, North Carolina.
Forsyth county, Georgia.
Bendego meteorite found in 1874...
Cape York meteorite arrives in New York

Recent researches on meteorites, pages 353-4
siderites originally encased in stony matter...
description of four Australian meteorites
magnetic characters and specific gravity of irons...

Recent researches on meteorites, pages 366-71
results of a spectrographic analysis of iron meteorites...
historical evidence for the ex-terrestrial origin of meteorites...
The Cape York meteorites...
Beaconsfield, Victoria. Fisher meteorite, Minnesota.
Nocoleche station, New South Wales
Niakornak, north Greenland
Nedagolla, Madras.
Newstead, Scotland.
Ballinoo, Western Austraila.

Recent researches on meteorites, pages 290-3
Analysis of San Angelo meteorite, Texas.
Analysis of Jerome meteorite, Kansas.
Platinum in two Mexican meteorites, Coahuila and Toluca.
Ness county, Kansas.
Meteorite fell on June 9, 1889, at Migheja, described.
A number of meteoric irons described by Emil W. Cohen (abstract)
Recent researches on meteorites, pages 324-6
Observed fall of meteorite near Borgo, Finland.
Leaves, near Fosses in Belgium.
Analysis of Meuselbach meteorite
Chocktaw and Sumter counties, Alabama
Murphy, Cherokee county, North Carolina.

Recent researches on meteorites, pages 279-81
Estimate of number of small meteorites reaching the Earth.
Analysis of various meteoric irons by Emil W. Cohen (abstract)
Sjostrom method of iron meteorite analysis.
Zavid, Bosnia.
Analysis of Zmjenj, Minsk, West Russia.
Analysis of Jamyscheff and Tubil River, Siberia
Iredell, Bosque county, Texas.
Analysis of Illinois Gulch, Montana
The Ward-Coonley colletion of meteorites.
100 ton meteorite from Greenland by Peary lying unsold.
Recent researches on meteorites, pages 414-6
Fall of meteorite through ice in Finland (Bjurbole)
Analysis of Luis Lopez, Scocorro Co
Hayden Creek, Idaho
Oakley, Kansas.
Analysis of Quesa, Valencia, Spain
Analysis of Ergheo, near Brava, in the Somali peninsula
Analysis of Morradal, Norway.
Analysis of various meteoric irons by Emil W. Cohen (abstract)

Recent researches on meteorites, pages 346-8
Bugaldi, New South Wales
Rafruti, Switzerland
Analysis of Lancon, Bouches-du-Rhone
Analysis of iron fall in Soudan on June 15, 1900.
Analysis of Bethany, Great Namaqualand
Analysis of Kokstad and Matatiele from South Africa
Analysis of Allegan, Michigan and Mart, Texas
Recent researches on meteorites, pages 351-3
Percentage of iron in the Earth's crust
Vanadium in meteorites
Articles by O. C. Farrington on last 100 years study of meteorites, and the worship and folk-lore.
Historic meteorite falls in Spain
Analysis of Zomba, British Central Africa.
Analysis of Alt-Bela, Moravian
Analysis of Kokstad, Bethany and Muchachos
Analysis of Mulaitivu, Ceylon

Recent researches on meteorites, pages 431-3
??, Great Namaqualand
Probabilities of meteoric swarms
The meteorite collection of the Riga Scientific society
Analysis of Felix, Alabama
Analysis of meteorite from Guatemala
Bugaldi, New South Wales
Rhine valley, South Australia.
Castray river, Tasmania
Analysis of Veramin, Iran
Recent researches on meteorites, pages 394-6
Catalogue of meteorite collection of U.S. National Museum by W. Tassin
False meteorites in the Paris Musuem of Natural History
Crumlin, County Antrim, Ireland
Sinaloa, Mexico
Analysis of N'Goureyma, Soudan
Admire, Kansas
Zavid, Bosina