Journals and Magazines
American Journal of Science and Arts volumes 1(1st Series) to 50(3th Series) (1819-1896)
Anales and Boletin of the Sociedad Espanola de historia natural, Madrid volumes 1 to 25 (1872-96)
Annalen der Physik volumes 6 to 75(1st Series) (1800-1823)
Annales de Chimie Paris, volumes 1 to 61 (1816-30)
The Annual Reports of the Smithsonian Institute. (1899, 1902)
BAA Memoirs: reports of the Meteor Section (1891-1904)
British Astronomical Association Journal (1976-80)
Bulletin de l'Académie Impériale des Sciences de Saint-Pétersbourg. (1860-98)
Journal of Chemical Society, London. (1906)
Comptes Rendus from Academie des Sciences, Paris, volumes 35 to 128 (1852-99)
Förhandlingar Geologiska Föreningens, Stockholm, volume 13 (1891)
The Gentleman's Magazine. (1738-69)
Geological Magazine (1864-72)
Memoirs of the Geological Society of India (1913-16)
Journal of the Iron and Steel institute (1887-1902)
Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales, volumes 16 to 34 (1882-1900)
Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences (1920)
The Mineralogical Magazine, volumes 3 to 23 (1879-1932)
Monthly Magazine (1800-1806)
Monthly Notices Royal Astronomical Society Volumes 24 and 50 (1865, 1897)
Nature Volumes 56-110 (1897-1922)
The Ottawa Naturalist Volume 20 (1906)
Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania (1898-1910)
The Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. (1758-72)
Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1891)
Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, volumes 34 to 47 (1846-78)
Proceedings and Bulletin of the Oklahoma Academy of Science, volume 1 (1920)
Proceedings of the Rochester Academy of Science, volumes 2 to 4 (1892-1906)
Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy volumes 1 to 13 (1839-79)
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia volumes 5 to 21 (N.S) (1860-1908)
Proceedings of the U. S. National Museum, volumes 24 to 59 (1900-21)
Records of the Australian Museum, volumes 3 and 10 (1897, 1913)
Records Geological Society of India, Volumes 35, and 45 (1907, 1915)
Reports of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, volumes 31 to 59 (1861-89)
Revista del Museo de la Plata, Buenos Aires (1921)
Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, volumes 4 to 16 (1886-1922)
Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand (1909)
Transactions of the Academy of Science of St. Louis (1860)
Verslagen en Mededeeling van koninklijk Akademie van Wetenschappen, Amsterdam (1871-84)
Extracts from COSMOS: a sketch of a physical description of the universe. (1849-60) by Alexander von Humboldt
Les Pretendus organismes des Meteorites par Carl Vogt (1882)
The meteoric articles from Original Researches in Mineralogy and Chemistry (1884) by Lawrence J. Smith
A Chapter in the History of Meteorites (1887) by W. Flight
The Meteoritic Hypothesis (1890) by Norman Lockyer
Chapter XV meteors and meteoric observations from Telescope work for starlight evenings by W. F. Denning (1891)
Chapter XVIII. Meteors: etc, from A Text book of general astronomy (1895) by Charles Young
Die Meteoriten in Sammlungen und ihre Literatur. (1897) by Dr E. A. Wüfling.
Extracts from: Northward over the great ice. Vol 2 (1898)...the Cape York meteorites. by Robert E Peary
The Ward-Coonley collection of Meteorites (1901 Edition)
The Ward-Coonley collection of Meteorites (1904 edition) by H. A. Ward.
An introduction to the study of Meteorites with a list of the meteorites represented in the collection(British Musuem) by L. Fletcher (tenth edition. 1908)
The Meteorite Of El Nakhla El Baharia, By John Ball, Survey Department Paper, No. 25. (1912)
Meteorites: their structure, composition and terrestrial relations (1915) by Oliver C. Farrington
Handbook and descriptive catalogue of the meteorite collections in the U.S. national museum. (1916) by George P. Merrill